Armorial of the Belgian nobility
Bibl.: POPLIMONT, Belgique héraldique: 1(1863) 173-212; GOETHALS, Ono-masticon (1864) 55-65; de HERCKENRODE, Nobiliaire: 3 (1868) 1225-1238; ANB (1851) 257-271, (1900) I, 6-10; de RENAIX, Tableau (1915); de LIGNE, Études généalogiques (1921-1927); LALOIRE, Généalogie d'Arenberg (1940); NEU, Das Herzogtum Aremberg (1942); Maison d'Arenberg. Inventaire des archives publiques françaises et bibliographies (1968); DE-SCHEEMAEKER, Histoire de la maison d'Arenberg (1969); MANGANO-le ROY, Inventaire d'Enghien (1973); EPN (1984) 98-99; Von ARENBERG, BÔHN, e.a., Die Arenberger:1 (1987); Genealogisches Handbuch 90 Fürstliche Häuser XIII (1987) 114-128.
Vienna, 5 March 1576, Emperor Maximilien II
Elevation of the Westphalian county of Arenberg to princely status and concession of this dignity to the countess Marguerite de La Marck et d’Arenberg, widow of Jean de Ligne, and to his son Charles d’Arenberg, and to the brothers and sisters of the latter.
Arms: neither description nor drawing.
Sources: HHStA RR/MII.9, 538.
Vienna, 9 June 1644, Emperor Ferdinand III
Elevation of the princely county of Arenberg to the status of duchy with full rights of peerage and seat in the Diet of the Empire, with concession of this title to Philippe-François count and prince d’Arenberg, duke of Arschot, etc., and to his brother Charles-Eugène, and to their nephews Philippe and Albert. The title is transmissible to all descendents of the name.
Arms: neither description nor drawing.
Sources: HHStA RR/Fe III.1, 373v.
Pictures: Imperial charter transforming the principality of Arenberg into a duchy
Bayonne, 26 April 1808. Emperor Napoleon Ist. Concession of the personal title of count of the empire, accompanied by the grant of a livery of grey-green, scarlet and white, to Louis-Engelbert-Marie-Joseph-Augustin d'Arenberg, senator.
Arms: "franc quartier de sénateur, [écarteléj], [au] premier quartier du sénat, avec bordure de sinople, [au] deuxième d'or, [au] troisième d'or, chargé d'une fasce échiquetée [d']argent et [d']or, [au quatrième] de gueules, à trois fleurs de néflier d'or, deux et une."
Sources: ANP CC.240, 68 & MJP CS.96, 23.
Hanover, 8 May 1826. George IV, king of the United Kingdom, as king of Hanover.
Elevation of the Hanoverian territory of Meppen to the status of duchy of Arenberg-Meppen and concession of this title to the sovereign prince and duke Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg (son of the preceding holder), with recognition of the qualification of Most Serene Highness for the same and for all descendents of the name. This latter provision in execution of the decree of the Diet of the Germanic Confederation of 18 August 1825.
Arms: neither description nor drawing.
Sources: GH, 115.
Royal command, 21 February 1832. Frederick-William III, king of Prussia.
Recognition of the qualification of Most Serene Highness (transmissible by primogeniture) accorded to the aforementioned sovereign prince and duke Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg. Provision made in execution of the decree of the Diet of the Germanic Confederation of 18 August 1825.
Sources: GH, 115.
Royal command, 3 March 1833. Frederick-William III, king of Prussia. Extension of the qualification of Most Serene Highness to all the descendants of the aforementioned sovereign prince and duke Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg. This provision, refering to the previous provision, was likewise made in execution of the decree of the Diet of the Germanic Confederation of 18 August 1825.
Sources: GH, 116.
Imperial decree, 22 February 1847. Ferdinand Ist, Emperor of Austria. Recognition of the qualification of Most Serene Highness accorded to the aforementioned sovereign prince and duke Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg, as also to all his descendents. Provision made in execution of the decree of the Diet of the Germanic Confederation of 18 August 1825.
Sources: GH, 116.
Brussels, 16 July 1953. King Baudouin.
Recognition of nobility and the title of prince, transmissible to all descendents of the name, with authorisation to bear the qualification of Most Serene Highness, for Eberhard-Engelbert-Antoine d'Arenberg.
Arms: "de gueules, à trois fleurs de néflier d'or, percées du champ. L'écu sommé du bonnet ducal du Saint Empire, et supporté à dextre par un lion couronné d'or, et à senestre par un griffon couronné d'or. Le tout posé sur un manteau aux armes de l'écu, doublé d'hermine, bordé, cordonné et houppé d'or, surmonté du bonnet de duc souverain, fourré de gueules, retroussé d'hermine à cinq arceaux, couverts de perles, et sommé d'un monde d'azur, cerclé et croisé d'or. Device: 'Christus protector meus' d'or, sur un listel de gueules."
Sources: AE D.15, 314 & M.13, 50.