Arenberg Trophy III. The noble houses of de la Marck and Arenberg in the provinces of Liège, Luxembourg and in the French Ardennes
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The Arenberg Foundation and The Drones Club of Belgium are joining forces for this original rally for the third time. This edition of the Arenberg Trophy has as theme "The noble houses of de la Marck and Arenberg in the provinces of Liège, Luxembourg and in the French Ardennes".
We leave Liege on Sunday and head for France. On the way we visit two domains that belonged to the 'de la Marcks' and the 'Arenbergs'. In the evening we dine in the imposing fort of Sedan. We also spend the night at Sedan.
On Monday we visit the fortress of Sedan after breakfast and then we cross the French Ardennes. We are received in the castle of Hierges where we also hold the farewell reception.
A final short stage leads to Givet, after which the rally is dissolved and everyone can return home.
Price per participant (driver or passenger of an old-timer car or motorcycle) starts from € 180, included:
- 1st day: coffee & croissants, visit to a few domains, lunch, dinner in the fortress of Sedan and overnight stay in the Campanile hotel in Sedan
- 2nd day: breakfast, visit to the fortress of Sedan, lunch, visit to the castle of Hierges
The number of participating vehicles is limited to 40 to ensure the special character of the rally. You can already register by depositing € 180 per person (double hotel room) or € 215 p.p. (single hotel room) on: IBAN BE61 7330 0742 8917 - The Drones Club of Belgium with mention of Trophy 3 and your car type.
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Flyer (in Dutch):